
In Molini di Triora, every summer and holiday season,

the village comes alive with children, teenagers, and families.


Laura is always there; her mother is originally from the village,

and together they return to her grandparents’ house.

After retiring, her parents and aunts decided to settle there permanently.

Laura did the same. Now 72 years old, she spent her life in Milan,

“I had a very modern house, but I sold everything to live here, with this antique furniture.”


She recalls the carefree childhood years in the village and still keeps in touch with the same people.

Her memories are tied to the games she used to play: hide-and-seek around the village,

swimming in the walnut grove pond, a paradise before the flood,

hidden by trees and invisible from the road—”it was all ours”.

She remembers walking along the trails leading to Triora and Mulin di Pio.


In the house, the air was filled with the scent of torta verde, ravioli,

and Ligurian-style rabbit.

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