
I first meet Stefano through the stories and kindness of his mother.

She welcomes me into her home, near the main square of Ceriana.

She is reserved and makes a point of telling me that Stefano is the same—reserved.

She insists I ask him directly if he feels comfortable sharing his story.

I am deeply impressed by her manners, her education, her culture, and her strong personality.


She hands me Stefano’s Degree Thesis—it seems to tell a lot about him:

strong roots, an adventurous spirit, and a drive to take on new challenges.


“This year I won’t be coming to Ceriana; I need to focus on my startup.”


We speak over a call—he answers from London during a work break.

He tells me about his hometown, about


“a rich and happy childhood in close contact with nature,”


about his first experience with a larger, more urban environment came

during secondary school in Sanremo,

followed by his time at university in Genoa,

where he was struck by the culture shock of the bustling traffic outside Brignole station.

Moving to London felt like a natural continuation of his studies – a great opportunity.

It’s a life shared with his partner, far from Ceriana,

but with Ceriana always in his pocket as well as in his heart.

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